Cinnamon Mueller Client Updates

FCC Issues Retransmission Consent Reform Order

April 11, 2014 Prohibits Non-Commonly Owned Top Four-ranked Stations in the Same DMA from Jointly Negotiating Retransmission Consent Agreements

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FCC Adopts New Closed Captioning Standards

February 28, 2014 On February 24, 2014, the FCC released an Order adopting new closed captioning quality standards and technical compliance rules. The rules will take effect no sooner than January 2015.

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FCC Opens New Net Neutrality Docket, Encourages Parties to File Comments

February 20, 2014 Yesterday, the FCC released a Public Notice establishing a new docket to consider how to proceed with its net neutrality efforts. This follows last month’s decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit to strike down key parts of the FCC’s 2010 Open Internet Order, also known as the “Net Neutrality” Order.

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FCC Releases Enforcement Advisory for CPNI Officer Certification Due March 3, 2014

February 14, 2014 The FCC recently launched a set of voluntary experiments aimed at testing the consumer impact of transitioning from legacy TDM-based networks to next generation IP-based networks. In the Rural Broadband Experiments, the FCC will offer funding from the Connect America Fund (“CAF”) for experiments in rural areas that lack access to broadband services with speeds of 3 Mbps/768 kbps.

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Funding Available for All Entities Interested in Conducting IP Transition Experiments in Rural Areas

February 7, 2014 The FCC recently launched a set of voluntary experiments aimed at testing the consumer impact of transitioning from legacy TDM-based networks designed primarily for voice services to next generation IP-based networks. The FCC will offer funding from the Connect America Fund (CAF) for experiments in rural areas.

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FCC Proposes Dropping Sports Blackout Rule

January 31, 2014 In December, the FCC proposed dropping its sports blackout rules. This week, the FCC announced the deadlines for commenting on that proposal. Comments are due February 24 and reply comments are due March 25.

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