First Quarter 2013 Filing Deadlines
Form 477 Due March 1, 2013
FCC Form 477 is due on March 1, 2013. Operators are required to include information about broadband connections and local telephone service as of December 31, 2012. Filing instructions and a link to the electronic filing system are available at
As a reminder, broadband providers must provide the following information:
- The number of broadband connections in individual census tracts, broken down by technology type and upload and download speed.
- The percentage of broadband connections that is residential.
Moreover, interconnected VoIP providers must report the following information:
- The number of subscribers served (both end-user and resale).
- The percentage of subscribers that is residential.
- Whether the service is provided over a broadband connection provided by the filer or the filer’s affiliate.
- A list of the 5-digit zip codes in which the filer has at least one subscriber.
- Whether the service is fixed or nomadic.
For more information about filing Form 477, please contact Scott Friedman at (312) 372-3930 or via email at
Copyright Forms and Fees Due March 1, 2013
Cable operators must file with the U.S. Copyright Office their Statement of Account (Form SA1-2 or SA3) and pay any royalty fees due for the July 2012 – December 2012 accounting period byMarch 1, 2013. The following forms apply:
- SA1-2 Short Form. For use by cable television systems with semiannual gross receipts of less than $527,600.
- SA3 Long Form. For use by cable television systems with semiannual gross receipts of $527,600 or more.
Copyright royalty fees must be remitted by electronic payment.
If you have any questions about copyright forms or fees, please contact Jake Baldwin at (312) 372-3930 or via email at
CPNI Officer’s Certificate Due On or Before March 1, 2013
The FCC’s CPNI rules require that an officer of an interconnected VoIP provider file an annual certificate with the FCC stating that the officer has personal knowledge that the provider has established operating procedures adequate to ensure compliance with the FCC’s CPNI rules. The carrier must also provide a statement explaining how its operating procedures ensure that it is in compliance with the FCC’s CPNI rules. The annual certificate for 2012 must be filed on or before March 1, 2013.
The provider must also include, if applicable, an explanation of any actions taken against data brokers and a summary of all customer complaints concerning the unauthorized release of CPNI received in the past year. The officer’s certificate, as well as the information noted above, must be filed in EB Docket No. 06-36.
In past years, the FCC has issued Public Notices in January and February offering further guidance regarding the filing of the officer’s certificate, including an acceptable sample form. Use of the sample form is not mandatory provided all required information is included.
If you have any questions regarding CPNI or the filing of the officer’s certificate, please contact Bruce Beard at (636) 778-0646 or via email at