Cinnamon Mueller Client Updates


Price Cap Carriers Accept $115 Million of $300 MillionAvailable in “Phase I” Broadband Support

In the Universal Service Fund Reform Order, the FCC offered price cap carriers a subsidy of $775 per line ($300 million in total) to fund broadband deployment in their rate center footprints.  Yet, price cap carries accepted only $115 million (38%) of the total amount available by the July 24, 2012 deadline.  CenturyLink and Frontier were responsible for more than 60% of the total funding accepted.  Verizon and AT&T both declined to accept any Phase I support.

The FCC awarded support in 37 states.  Wisconsin ($38.5 million), Minnesota ($10.9 million), Washington ($9.4 million,) and Michigan ($7.4 million) received the most.  17 states received less than $1 million, with seven of these receiving less than $100,000.  Arkansas, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, and Pennsylvania were among the 13 states that received no support.  The FCC created an Interactive Map providing details on Phase I support.

If you have any questions regarding the CAF Phase I support program, please contact James Moskowitz at (202) 872-6881 or